Plant-Based Diets: Benefits And How To Get Started

People today are looking to make positive lifestyle changes for better health and a long life. Among all other trends, plant-based diets are catching up with individuals seeking conscious consumption. This diet focuses on consuming all or mostly plants and food derived from plants.

The primary focus of this diet is on fruits, vegetables, legumes, whole grains, nuts, seeds, oils, and beans. It can help boost your energy levels and lifespan. However, is it the right choice for your goals? How does this diet benefit you and how can you start with it? This blog covers all these concerns of yours so you can embark on a journey towards clean eating as well as care for the environment and sustainability. 

A] What Are Plant-Based Diets?

Plant-based diets are centred around vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds, oils, etc. These foods are considered healthy because of the different nutrients they provide. A plant-based diet can improve your energy and boost the healthy functioning of your body.

A plant-based diet doesn’t mean you go completely vegetarian or vegan. It gives you a choice of proportionally increasing more plant sources in your meals than dairy, meat, etc. Thus, regardless of the variation you follow, you will be able to extract more benefits from eating more plants.

B] Benefits Of Plant-Based Diets

If you’re looking for advantages of plant-based diets, take a look at these comprehensive points:

  1. Health Benefits

Plant-based diets contribute to enhancing your health in various ways. From better nutrition to a healthy heart, here are the advantages summed up in four main points:

  1. Cardiovascular Health- Plant-based diets provide you with ample fibre, antioxidants, and healthy fats. These nutrients ensure a happy and healthy heart. According to various studies, these diets reduce your blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and the risk of heart disease.
  2. Weight Management- Plant-based diets are also good for weight loss and maintenance due to their high fibre content and low-calorie density. With fewer calories and satiety through fibre, you can reach your weight loss goals. However, it’s best to learn the ultimate key to meal prep for weight loss
  3. Diabetes Management- You can improve your blood sugar control and insulin sensitivity with this diet, thus, managing and preventing type 2 diabetes. 
  4. Cancer Prevention- Phytochemicals and antioxidants that are found in plant foods can protect cells from damage. They also reduce inflammation, potentially lowering the risk of certain cancers.
  5. Digestive Health- Once your body adapts to a high-fibre diet, you’ll enjoy regular and healthy bowel movements and digestion. The risk of digestive disorders like constipation and diverticulitis decreases. 

2. Environmental Benefits

Plant-based diets are beneficial for your body as well as the environment. Even restaurants can benefit from it by making it a part of their restaurant sustainability practices.

  1. Reduced Carbon Footprint- If you’re considerate of your environmental impact and carbon footprint, plant-based diets can help you lower it in contrast to diets high in animal products. They require fewer resources such as water, land, and energy, and produce fewer greenhouse gases.
  2. Conservation Of Biodiversity- By reducing the demand for animal agriculture, plant-based diets can help conserve natural habitats and protect wildlife from extinction.

3. Ethical Benefits

Ethically, a plant-based diet can promote animal welfare. It helps reduce the demand for animal products and meat in the market, thus, lessening the exploitation and suffering of animals in factory farms.

C] How To Get Started With A Plant-Based Diet?

If you want a simple start to a plant-based diet, consider the following points:

  1. Educate Yourself On A Balanced Meal

When starting a plant-based diet, it’s best to understand the nutritional aspects and benefits. You can get motivation and guidance through the knowledge gained. For instance, since a plant-based diet has a high fibre content, your gut may not be able to accept it instantly. 

You’ll have to make way for the diet gradually. Also, a plant-based diet may lack some nutrients like enough protein, Vitamin B12, etc. In such cases, you must have the flexibility and knowledge to make a meal balanced. For valuable information, read books, watch documentaries, or browse websites.

Balancing nutrition on a plant-based plate includes a source of protein (for example beans, lentils, tofu), complex carbohydrates (like quinoa, and brown rice), healthy fats (for example avocados and nuts), and plenty of veggies.

  1. Focus On Whole Foods

Shift your focus from processed alternatives to whole, unprocessed plant foods. The foundation of your diet should be whole grains, fruits, nuts, vegetables, seeds, and legumes. Oatmeal, quinoa, barley, and buckwheat are excellent whole grains to try. Go to the farmer’s market or producers’ aisle for fresh plant food.

  1. Explore New Recipes

Keep your diet exciting and satisfying by adding a new plant-based recipe. You can explore the numerous cookbooks and online resources dedicated to plant-based cooking. Trying a new plant food that you haven’t before will add variety and provide a good balance of vitamins and minerals. 

Bok choy, squash blossoms, and kohlrabi are among some lesser-known veggies that are delicious to eat and offer adequate nutrition. 

  1. Add Healthy Fats To Your Diet

Adding healthy fats to your diet is crucial for good heart health. The good fats are unsaturated- monounsaturated and polyunsaturated. Olives, olive oil, seeds, avocado, nuts, and kinds of nut butter are good sources. Plant sources rich in omega-3 fatty acids like chia seeds and flax seeds can also provide exceptional results.

  1. Keep Things Simple And Seek Support When Needed

While some plant-based recipes are easy, others are complex to follow. When you start, keep things simple because simplicity doesn’t affect deliciousness. A fruit-filled smoothie, a bowl of oatmeal, and several such recipes are easy to make and mouthwatering to eat. 

D] Conclusion

Eating a plant-based or plant-forward diet can offer numerous benefits as discussed above. Cutting down on meat can help you reduce your calorie intake and lessen the saturated fat content in your diet. A plant-based diet can add various good-for-you minerals, vitamins, fibre, and much more. Balancing it with other sources can provide an all-rounded meal necessary for a healthy body. Ensure to get the needed guidance from different sources and start your plant-based journey with patience.