Do I Need an Emergency Root Canal?

A root canal is not usually the first thing that springs to mind when people hear about emergency dental care. A chipped tooth, maybe, or other dental damage resulting from a car accident — but a root canal? Isn’t the advanced treatment something that’s performed at a normal dental appointment? It barely counts as an emergency.

This, though, might not be the case. Although root canals might not have been the first thing that comes to mind when discussing emergency dental care, they can be essential in some situations.

What is a root canal treatment?

A root canal is a procedure used to save a badly infected tooth. Before properly washing and closing the tooth, the dentist cuts a hole in it and extracts the damaged pulp and nerve. This stops the infection from spreading in the mouth and the development of abscesses in the gums, teeth, or jaw.

In most cases, fillings are sufficient to treat external tooth lesions or decay. When a disease has spread within the tooth, a quick filling will not suffice. A root canal is a right way to solve the dilemma outside of extracting the tooth altogether.

Why Do you Need an Emergency Root Canal?

Symptoms can occur as a result of complications from the oral infection that cannot be delayed or are very painful for the patient to handle. It may interrupt everyday life to the point of disrupting the person suffering at work, school, or home, stopping them from completing daily tasks.

In fact, the patient may feel extreme pain that stretches past the tooth in question and expands to a wider area. The patient may find it painful to chew, or the teeth may be too responsive to touch. A slight red bump may appear near the infected spot in certain situations, indicating the formation of an abscess.

Common indications that you need an emergency root canal treatment

1. Unbearable pain

As previously reported, unbearable pain will drive everyone to pursue emergency dental treatment. A toothache is nothing like the discomfort caused by an infected pulp chamber. It makes it difficult for you to relax or concentrate on work.

Waiting for the next business day is frequently not a choice when this happens. You’ll want to be out of your ordeal as soon as possible. An emergency dentist will examine your teeth and can advise you to get an emergency root canal.

2. Pus arising from a tooth

When a tooth is contaminated, pus can leak from the surrounding area.

While an affected tooth can be quickly healed in the early stages, delaying treatment can have disastrous effects. The infection can cause tooth loss as well as spread to other parts of the body, such as the heart and brain. If the dentist feels you cannot wait any more, an immediate root canal would be done to protect the tooth.

3. A badly broken tooth

If you have a tooth that has been badly affected by the infection, you can need a root canal to save it from falling out. Since this harm usually hits the pulp, you will generally feel pain and irritation if it touches the tooth.

What happens after root canal treatment

Your dentist brushes the interior of the tooth, regarded as the pulp chamber, during root canal therapy. This is done by boring a hole in the crown of the tooth. After that, it is washed out with special files that extract the pulp and nerve.   

Most people only need root canal surgery in a few cases. The most frequent is where an illness has set in and damaged the tooth’s wellbeing. Other times, the tooth has cracked, and a root canal is needed before you can use a filling, prostheses, or new crown.

However, if you’ve lost your teeth, the break could be serious enough to prevent this sort of procedure, making an implant a safer overall option. As a result, it is important to meet with your dentist at all times.


Toothache is not something you can forget. A mild ache that doesn’t go away will quickly escalate into a nightmare situation. You can get an emergency root canal treatment at our Ottawa office to prevent long-term injury. Have an appointment with our dentist to get recommendations on the right way to handle your tooth.