Pattern Hair Loss and Treatment

Known as pattern hair loss, this is a gradual hair loss that develops in a certain pattern over time. The pattern observed in men is distinct from the pattern observed in women. As a result of this, men experience recession at the temples as well as thinned hair and eventually a bald spot on the top of their heads (vertex scalp), and eventually complete baldness over their entire crown. The hair above the ears and at the back of the head is relatively unscathed by the disease.

Women, on the other hand, experience diffuse thinning over the entire scalp, with the most noticeable thinning occurring over the crown. Women who are bald are only found in a minority of the population (less than five per cent).

In both men and women, pattern baldness is the most common cause of hair loss and is the result of a combination of genetic and hormonal factors. In fact, hereditary baldness is so common that it is widely accepted as an inevitable part of the ageing process.

Almost everyone, both men and women, will experience patterned hair loss at some point in their lives. While the majority of men have experienced temporal recession by their mid-20s and noticeable balding by their mid-50s, the majority of women experience only mild hair loss that begins later in life and is not noticeable. Hair loss, on the other hand, can be distressing if it occurs prematurely or is severe. There are a variety of treatments available to help slow or stop hair loss while also stimulating partial regrowth.

The Process By Which Hair Grows

Human hair follicles cover the majority of the body with the exception of the palms of the hands, soles of the feet, and the corners of the lips. The majority of follicles are small, and many of the hairs they produce do not grow long enough to be visible when they emerge from a pore.

The only part of the hair that is alive is the root (also known as the bulb), which is attached to the base of the follicle by a fibrous band of tissue. Follicles supply oxygen and nutrients to the root and lubricate the hair shaft with an oily substance known as sebum, which is produced by the hair follicle.

Hair is constantly undergoing a cycle of growth, rest, and renewal, just like the rest of the body. There are approximately 100,000 hair follicles on the surface of the scalp. Within three years, every one of these follicles will produce a hair that grows and then rests before falling out and being replaced by another one. This means that you shed 100,000 hairs every 1,000 days, or once every 1,000 years. This equates to approximately 100 hairs shed per day.

The hair density will remain constant as long as the new hair that grows from that follicle is the same as the hair that was replaced by the new hair. In the case of patterned hair loss, hormones affect the follicle, shrinking it, and causing the new hair to grow shorter and finer than the hair that is being replaced. Finally, the new hairs become so short and fine that they are no longer visible, resulting in the scalp becoming bald.

Hair Loss Has a Variety of Causes.

It is likely that a number of genes are involved in the development of baldness. Some of these genes are inherited from your mother’s side of the family, while others are inherited from your father’s side of the family. When it comes to hair loss, identical twins are the same age, have the same rate, and have the same pattern. This suggests that genetic factors play a more significant role in hair loss than environmental factors do in the process.

A genetic susceptibility to androgenetic hair loss results from the action of androgen hormones (produced in varying amounts by both men and women) on hair follicles in people who have androgenetic hair loss.

Some people believe that stress, diet, wearing hats, frequent washing, and drinking alcohol are all factors that contribute to hair loss. However, researchers have found no connection between any of these factors and patterned hair loss. There is some scepticism about the link between smoking cigarettes and hair loss, but the evidence is not conclusive.

Male pattern baldness is a type of hair loss that occurs in men (androgenic alopecia)

Despite the fact that there are a variety of treatments available for male pattern baldness, there is currently no cure for the condition. Minoxidil and finasteride are examples of treatments. Minoxidil lotion can be purchased over-the-counter from pharmacies, but finasteride tablets can only be obtained through a doctor’s prescription. Camouflage sprays, wigs, and hair transplant surgery are all available as cosmetic options.

Hair loss in women is a common problem (androgenetic alopecia)

In contrast to male pattern baldness, female pattern baldness is characterised by scattered thinning over the top of the scalp. As women get older, they experience pattern hair loss in more than 55% of cases. The majority of women experience only minor hair loss, but approximately 20% of women experience moderate or severe hair loss.

Women experiencing female pattern hair loss can benefit from a variety of treatments, including topical minoxidil lotion (which is not recommended for pregnant or breastfeeding women) and antiandrogen tablets such as spironolactone with antiandrogen properties (they lower male hormone levels)). These are only available with a prescription and must be administered under the supervision of a physician.

Treatment for male pattern baldness

A number of treatments are available to help slow or stop hair loss, stimulate partial regrowth, or replace damaged hair, despite the fact that there is no cure for it. In some cases, surgical hair transplantation can be beneficial for men who have advanced balding.

The current state of hair loss treatment, despite advancements in our understanding of the condition, has limitations. Age-related hair loss and inherited forms of hair loss, in particular, are difficult to reverse, though treatment can prevent further loss and stimulate partial regrowth in some cases. Lotions and tablets are examples of non-surgical treatments. These are typically required to be used on a continuous basis in order for the benefits to be maintained. If you stop taking the medication, hair regrowth will stop and hair loss will resume.

Wigs and hairpieces are among the cosmetic options available.

Massage, vitamin supplements, herbal remedies (such as saw palmetto), zinc, amino acids, and hair lotions and tonics are some of the other treatments that have been suggested for hair loss. These have not been shown to increase hair growth or prevent hair loss in clinical studies. Furthermore, there is no scientific evidence to support the use of lasers as a treatment option.

If you are unsure about anything, consult your doctor before beginning treatment.


Since the 1970s, minoxidil lotion has been available on the Australian market. There are a variety of different brands that can be purchased from pharmacies without a prescription. Each morning and night, a few drops of oil are applied to the scalp, and then rubbed in. In addition, there is foam preparation. The appearance of hair regrowth usually takes six months to become apparent.


Men’s hair-loss treatment Propecia, which has been available in Australia since the late 1990s, contains the active ingredient finasteride. Finasteride is a synthetic hormone that is produced by the body. One tablet taken once a day will prevent further hair loss in more than 95 percent of men and will stimulate partial hair regrowth in two-thirds of those taking the medication. Regrowth may be visible after six months, but it may take up to two years before it becomes noticeable.

Side effects are rare, but they can include reduced libido and sexual dysfunction in some people. This occurs in approximately one percent of the men who take finasteride. Finasteride can only be obtained with a prescription from your doctor.


Since the 1960s, spironolactone has been widely used to treat high blood pressure and fluid retention in the Australian medical community. It works by inhibiting the action of androgen hormones. Androgens are known to cause oily skin, acne, unwanted facial and body hair, as well as hair loss on the scalp in both men and women. Spironolactone can be used to treat all of these conditions in women, but it is only available with a prescription from your doctor.

Women who are pregnant or breastfeeding should avoid taking spironolactone.

Cyproterone acetate is a type of hormone.

In addition, cyproterone acetate was discovered in the 1960s. When used in conjunction with spironolactone, it can help women with patterned hair loss stop the progression of their hair loss symptoms. It is a weak progestogen that can be found in some oral contraceptives, such as the pill (the pill). Besides treating acne and unwanted facial and body hair, cyproterone acetate is also effective in the treatment of hereditary hair loss in females. Cyproterone acetate can only be obtained through a prescription from your doctor.

The use of cyproterone acetate as a treatment for male pattern baldness is not recommended.

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure.

Hair transplantation is a surgical procedure for the treatment of hair loss that first became popular in the 1950s and has since gained widespread acceptance. When hair was first applied, it was done with large plugs of hair, which sometimes resulted in unsatisfactory and unnatural-looking results.

Today’s skin plugs are small mini- and micro-plugs with between one and five hairs, which can be inserted into the skin. It is important to note that, in contrast to the original large plugs, this modern technique does not produce particularly thick or dense hair growth. It has a more natural appearance and, in many cases, cannot be distinguished as a transplant.

The following are the types of hair loss that respond best to hair transplantation:

Androgonic (androgenetic) hair loss in men is the most common type of baldness that can be alleviated through hair transplantation.

Accidental and surgical hair loss are two common causes of hair loss.

The surgeon removes hair follicles from the back or sides of the scalp (where the hair is less likely to fall out) and transplants them to the bald areas where the hair has stopped growing. In order to ensure that the hair follicles receive adequate blood flow during the healing process, the surgeon positions them in a specific manner. It is possible that the transplantation session will last several hours.

It is possible that a person will require several treatment sessions in order to achieve satisfactory coverage of a bald scalp. Hair will begin to grow from the follicles that have been transplanted. Prior to the procedure, a sedative is usually administered. The hair removal (donor) and recipient sites are both anaesthetized with local anaesthetic. During the course of your procedure, you may experience some discomfort as the anaesthesia wears off. Simple pain-relieving medications can help to alleviate the discomfort.

Hair Transplantation Surgery Complications

Hair transplant surgery complications may include:

Infection – this can happen because the skin is broken for the procedure. Antibiotics can be treated.

Bleeding – this is usually controlled by careful aftercare.

Scarring – this may occur at the donor follicles removal site.

Temporary hair loss – known as telogen effluvium – caused by operation can occur during hair transplantation, as well as other operations. It occurs in about 5% of the population.

Unacceptable cosmetic results – scarring and poor cosmetic results are more common when inexperienced practitioners perform hair transplants.

Many hair clinics provide hair transplants. Specialist dermatologists are best qualified to give proper advice and knowledge about hair in health and disease.

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